
With the fast increasing constructional activities in all fields such as residential, industrial, irrigation, road etc., it has become extremely essential to have more and more trained and qualified persons. The Diploma holders in Electrical Engineering have ample job opportunities in Govt. Organizations such as P.W.D., C.P.W.D. and M.S.E.B. etc., and in other various Electrical Engg. oriented industries.

Department Establishment Year Intake
Electrical Engineering 1995 41

Vision & Mission


To create and sustain environment of learning in which students acquire knowledge and learn to apply it professionally with due consideration of ethical and environmental issues. To help in building national capabilities for excellent energy management and to explore non-conventional energy sources.


To meet the challenges of new technological advances and to provide update knowledge in the field of Electrical Engineering.

H.O.D & Faculty

Mrs. Borker B.P.

Electrical engineering program commits to work towards developing students with a blend of c f competent, technical, and social skills and contribute to nation building. The program is having qualified and experienced team of faculties dedicated to strengthen effective teaching learning process in the ambiance of conductive environment with well supported supporting staff and stuffed with curricular, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities.

Faculty 2023-2024

Sr.No Name Designation
1 Mrs. Bharti Borker I/C HOD
2 Mrs. Mohini S Thange Lecturer
3 Mr. Akshay Subhash Tokekar Lecturer


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