
It is evergreen basic discipline in the faculty of Engineering. Mechanical Engineering is an integral part of any industry. There is tremendous job potential in Govt. organizations for Mechanical Engineers. In fact, it will not be an exaggeration to call the Mechanical Engineering branch the backbone of safe draw of industrial organizations. It has also self employment opportunities in diverse fields.

Department Establishment Year Intake
Mechanical Engineering 1995 41

Vision & Mission


To emphasize on excellence in practical skills, teaching & training students resourceful for the society, having soiled prerequisite knowledge for the job.


To create socially responsible Mechanical Engineers compatible with modern technology.


Mr. Anoopkumar

The Department of Mechanical Engineering was established in the year 1995 and since its inception the Department has evolved to pioneering the state of Diploma in Mechanical Engineering education in Maharashtra. Department is committed with Vision “To emphasis on excellence in practical skills, teaching & training students resourceful for the society, having soiled prerequisite knowledge for the job.”

Faculty 2023-2024

Sr.No Name Designation
1 Mr. Anoopkumar I/C HOD
2 Mr. Sawant T.B. Lecturer
3 Mr. Amol Rokade Lecturer
4 Mr. Darshan Chaudhary Lecturer
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