It is my great pleasure and privilege to thank parent and welcome students who opt our institute for technical training and education to shape future career. We all know that educational institutes are temple of Goddess Saraswati.
Whenever one is pursuing knowledge or the arts, skill it is considered higly auspicious to begin by invoking Saraswati, the Goddess of eloquence, wisdom and learning, the Goddess of speech. Our Institute entering in Twenty-fifth year with some marvelous achievement in the past. Our mission is to make our institute centre of character building and academic excellence and further our vision is to mould our students to be versatile, technocrat & to take global challenges with social awareness.
We are committed to enhance student’s academic performance as well as their performance in the society i. e. to make them accountable and responsible citizens of tomorrow’s India. Our institute comprises five disciplines such as Mechanical Engg., Electronics & Telecommunication Engg., Electrical Engg., Computer Technology and Information Technology. We are determined to add some more to facilitate students to make them abreast of with today’s global and competitive era. Faculties are backbone of the institute. All are well qualified and experienced and competent to discharge their duties.
I take this opportunity to thank the management particularly our president for his kind support in all our endeavors. I was given the opportunity to head our institute and in last almost two and half decades, I have performed the job the best of my knowledge, ability and perfection and I am committed to do so in a days to come. The main theme of Krishna’s life and teaching is Karmayoga, the art of starving for both personal perfection and social efficiency.
If we know that our duties are and how we discharge them, there is no room for stress and conflict. Stress is however more evident and is probably more wide spread in technological advanced countries and common among highly qualified professional same can be get ridd off by following yoga & meditation in our life. This help all sections of societies to achieve piece of mind and to lead happy & peaceful life.
Particularly student community need to follow in their life which help them to improve their academic performance to clear the concept & stabilize the mind which is absolutely necessary in their academic activities. I appeal all students be positive, determined, dedicated and devoted then success is yours.