Anti Ragging Cell



1. Mr. R. K. Nandarge – Principal

2. Mr. Anoopkumar

3. Mr. Deshmukh S.R.

4. Mrs. Borkar B.P.

5. Mrs. Nemade N.R.

If any student is caught ragging another student, he or she can be punished. Ragging within or outside the institution is prohibited under the Maharashtra prohibition of Ragging Act-1999, under which the candidate involved in ragging, will be punished with imprisonment for 2 yrs. Or penalty of Rs.10,000/-. Also, the student convicted for ragging shall be dismissed from the institute and will not get admission in any other institution for five years.

Student's Grievances Committee

The Student's Grievances Committee is intended to find solutions for grievances like physical or mental harassment, complaints regarding class room teaching, class room management, completion of syllabus, teaching methodology, infrastructure maintenance and up gradation, etc. if and when they arise.

Sr No. Department Name of Professors
01. Electrical Engineering Mrs. Borkar B.P.
02. Electronics & Telecommunication Mr. Deshmukh S.R.
03. Mechanical Mr. Anoopkumar
04. Computer & IF Mrs. Jagruti Patil
05. First Year all branches Mrs. Nemade N.R.

Women's Grievances Committee

The Women's Grievances Committee is responsible for looking into any complaints filed by female students and staff under Women Grievances at the college. The functions of the cell are to purely safeguard the rights of female students, faculty and staff members of women and also to provide a platform for listening to complaints. It takes care of all complaints and Requirements of women staff and students in the campus and action taken for redressal of complaints.

Sr No. Name of the Member Designation
01. Mrs. Nemade N.R. Secretary
02. Mrs. Borkar B.P. Member
03. Mrs.Bhangale S.P. Member
04. Mrs. Bhot N.S. Member
05. Mrs. Jagruti Patil Member
06. Mrs. Aruna Adhav Member

Online Grievance Redressal

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