
Computer has practically formed a part of our daily life. Every industry now days require programming, operation and maintenance of computer. The fast expanding field of Computer Technology has witnessed tremendous increase in production of computer based equipment’s during the last few years.

Department Establishment Year Intake
Computer Technology 1998 41

Vision & Mission


To prepare students for career in industry and to pursue advanced graduate studies.


To provide excellence in Computer Education.


Mrs. Jagruti Patil

The Department of Computer Technologywas established in the year 1998and since its inception the Department has evolved to pioneering the state of Diploma in Computer Technology education in Maharashtra. Department is committed with Vision “To prepare students for career in industry and to pursue advanced graduate studies.”

Faculty 2023-2024

Sr.No Name Designation
1 Mrs. Poonam Patil Lecturer
2 Ms. Harshal Patil Lecturer


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