As an Agriculturist and Industrialist I always had the urge to develop excellent educational facility around Thane. Trust has a very versatile experience in running successfully the diploma institutes in this region. I stressed the need for importance of industry involvement in the education process.
I further feel that industry and academic partnership is essential in making education of high quality. I want that industries should not suffer for want of trained technician in this region. I have very clear vision to promote technical education suited to the nearby industry. To have a product to the taste of industry, I have in mind to appoint very experienced and highly qualified teaching faculty, to provide excellent infrastructure facilities and well equipped laboratories and very rich library for the use of teachers and students. I therefore, expects a co-operation from industries and user system.
I recognize that our educational process must rotate considering students as a centre. Therefore, the students are provided with all the facilities to develop their inner potentiality and imbibe the qualities required for better citizen. All the collaborative efforts will be made to achieve good quality education for the students of diploma classes.
The greater that knowledge and skill, higher will be the productivity; the better quality and lower the cost, greater will be comparative advantage and market potential. I acknowledge the education needed to keep pace with and take advantage of the social changes occurring within the country and world wide.